Wednesday, September 13, 2006


to the bilingual experiment. The plan is to run two blogs in tandem, this one in English and that one in Norwegian. The idea is that I write a post in one of the languages, and then I translate it, or rewrite it, in the other language. Comments will be in English here and in Norwegian there.

As far as content, I am looking to write about things pertaining to translation, literature and language, with particular emphasis on what's going on in Norway - another way for me of keeping in touch with the country I hail from.

I honestly don't know how this is going to work out - it's an experiment with forms of blogging as well as forms of translation, and I for one will be interested to see if it will take on a life of its own, and how it will all work out.

I also want to see how this will affect my writing - I am going to make an active effort NOT to adjust my writing style for ease of translation, but at the same time, I am putting no restrictions on myself in terms of the translation - if I need to change something in the text I translate in order for it to work in the other language, then I will.

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